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Space Availability - Fenwick Library

Graduate Study Carrels are short-term reservable desks with power outlets and lockable storage cabinets. Any currently registered graduate student may reserve a study carrel. Carrels may be reserved for up to 45 days at a time, with a default reservation of 14 days. Each study carrel has a key for its cabinets, which can be checked out at the Fenwick Information Desk with a Mason ID after placing a reservation. Desk staff will confirm graduate student status at the time of check out. 

Graduate Study Carrels are subject to all relevant Libraries policies, including those for group study spaces. Additionally:  

  • Storage of library-owned materials without checking them out first is prohibited. 

  • Perishable foods must be disposed of when leaving the carrel.  

The Libraries reserve the right to alter or cancel reservations as needed, due to adjustments in library operations or failure to follow library policies.

Important Notes Regarding Carrel Reservations:

  • Students part of the Accelerated Master's Program are not eligable to reserve a Graduate Study Carrel.
  • Having the key checked out to your library account is required to hold a reservation for a Graduate Study Carrel.
  • If you decide to return the key before the end of your reservation period, the remainder of your carrel reservation will be cancelled to allow for others to reserve the space. Once the key is returned, it is assumed that you no longer want the carrel reserved.
  • Reservations will be cancelled if the key is not checked out within 3 days of the beginning of the reservation period. Please come to the Information Desk on the 1st floor of Fenwick to pick up your key after placing a reservation.
  • You must return the carrel key by no later than the LAST day of your reservation to ensure that those with a reservation after yours will have access to the key once theirs begins.



  1. Click on any BLUE BOX below to mark the START of your reservation. 
  2. Then use the drop down menu at the bottom of this page to select the DURATION of your reservation. You can reserve a carrel up to 45 days at a time, but only if the carrel is available for that long. The default duration of a carrel is 14 days.
  3. After you made your selection, click SUBMIT TIMES at the bottom of the page, then follow the instructions of the next page.
   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding